NKR, the North Korean Review, is committed to meeting high standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. These guidelines outline the publishing ethics responsibilities of the North Korean Review, authors, peer reviewers and editors.
Read our Publication Ethics Guidelines Here
NKR strives to conform to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors as laid out by the Committee on Publication Ethics. All submissions undergo double blind peer review by at least two outside reviewers. The peer review process takes between six weeks and three months to complete. Authors should ensure any submission has not been previously published in other publications.
How to register a concern
Those with concerns that the research published in NKR has not conformed to these principles should submit their concerns to NKR at and the appropriate action will be taken in accordance with the regulations in the Ethics Guidelines linked above.
Submission Deadlines
15 DEC
Submission for the Spring Issue
31 MAR
Publication of the Spring Issue
15 JUN
Submission for the Fall Issue
30 SEP
Publication of the Fall Issue