The 1st NKR Conference for North Korean Studies videos are finally available!
Session 1: Robert Winstanley-Chesters (Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Cambridge & Visiting Fellow, Leeds University)
Uncovering a North Korean Resource History: Mineralogical Narratives of the Captured Documents Collection
Session 1: Sungwoo Lee (Research Fellow, Korea Maritime Institute)
Plans for Activation of Port Rajin Connecting the Northern Logistics Market
Session 2: Alon Levkowitz (Professor, Bar Ilan University)
Dancing the Waltz with Pyongyang and Tehran in the Six and 5+1 Party Talks
Session 2: Andrew O'Neill (Professor, Griffiths University)
Deterrence, Reassurance and the North Korea Nuclear Challenge
Session 2: Andrew Scobell (Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation)
How Does China Signal Its Discontent to North Korea?
Session 2: Christoph Bluth (Professor, University of Bradford)
The Trajectory of the North Korean Nuclear Programme and the Risks of "Strategic Patience" vs. "Arms Control"
Session 3: Bernhard J. Seliger (Resident Representative of Hanns Seidel Foundation in South Korea)
A Comparison of "Old" Rason and "New" Hungnam Zones
Session 3: Francis Schortgen (Professor, University of Mount Union)
The Paradox of North Korea's Economic Backwardness
Session 3: Virginie Grzelczyk (Professor, Aston University)
Globalization and Capitalism in North Korea: Myth or Reality?
Session 4: Sarah Son (Post-doctoral Research Associate, School of Oriental and African Studies, London)
Making Friends with North Korea: New Readings of "Friendship" in IR Theory and the Pursuit of Ontological Security
Session 4: Rajaram Panda (Former Senior Fellow & Cluster Coordinator, ISDA, New Delhi)
India and North Korea: Are they Friends if not Foes?
Session 4: Balazs Szalontai (Professor, Korea University)
Small-Power Diplomacy in Northeast Asia: Mongolian-North Korean Relations during the Cold War, 1953-1989
Session 4: